Medical Conditions

This section of the website provides information on common conditions affecting the knee and hip. Click on the medical condition that concerns you to download information.

Meniscal Tear

Injuries to the meniscal cartilages are among the most common causes of pain within the knee. The meniscal cartilages (often called simply the cartilages or meniscus) are shock absorbers in the knee. There are two meniscal cartilages in each knee…


Knee Ligament Injuries

The knee joint is composed of the top of the tibia (shin bone) and the bottom of the femur (thigh bone). The patella (kneecap) is also an integral part of the knee joint. Where these three bones contact each other there is a layer of very smooth articular cartilage lining…


Patella Dislocation

The knee joint is composed of the top of the tibia (shin bone) and the bottom of the femur (thigh bone). The patella (kneecap) is also an integral part of the knee joint. Where these three bones contact each other there is a layer of very smooth articular cartilage lining…



Arthritis is a condition which affects joints. The joints of the body have very smooth surfaces that allow easy, pain free movement. The smooth surface of the joints is composed of a layer of articular cartilage over the bone ends…


Knee Arthritis

Arthritis of the knee occurs when the smooth articular cartilage lining is damaged and worn away. Eventually the wearing away of the articular cartilage lining exposes the underlying bone. This results in pain and stiffness in the knee…


Hip Arthritis

Arthritis of the hip occurs when the smooth articular cartilage lining is damaged and worn away. Eventually the wearing away of the articular cartilage lining exposes the underlying bone. This results in pain and stiffness in the hip…


AVN/SONK/Stress fracture of the knee

An uncommon cause of knee pain is AVN of the knee. This condition is poorly understood. Initially, it was thought that the blood supply to a portion of the bone in the knee was interrupted and this caused pain. This was called AVN (avascular necrosis) or SONK…